Degrees in software engineering: passport to success or outdated relic?
January 8, 2024
In the realm of the ever-evolving market, the significance of a degree played a pivotal role. It stood as a herald, declaring one’s proficiency in a chosen field and readiness to join the workforce. However, this validation came at a hefty price in many countries, requiring three or four years of dedication and a considerable financial investment.
The tides of change surged as the internet’s accessibility expanded, breaking down the barriers that had once confined knowledge within the walls of educational institutions. This newfound accessibility democratized information, empowering individuals from all walks of life to acquire expertise independently. Thus emerged a cohort of self-taught prodigies, wielding remarkable skills despite lacking formal degrees.
In the realm of formal education, particularly in the domain of software engineering across Africa, a curious phenomenon unfolded. Graduates armed with degrees often found themselves struggling to execute even a single project. The fault lay not in their effort but in a curriculum mismatched with the dynamic demands of the job market. Trapped in the belief that academic grades held greater importance than practical skills, students inadvertently disregarded the essence of acquiring true mastery in their field.
This new narrative has made major tech companies to no longer consider degree as a major requirement to work with them. As a matter of fact, according to business insider, “In 2021 IBM announced it had stripped bachelor’s degree requirements for more than half of its US openings.” Within the same article, it’s said Accenture launched its own apprenticeship program in 2016. Since then 80% of its 1200 hires do not have a four year degree.
In Cameroon, major institutions like Orange, MTN, have launched programs aimed at arming tech enthusiast with practical skills that fits the job market needs.
All these tells us that a degree no longer hold sole sway in the halls of tech corporations. Instead, a new dawn had arrived, heralding the supremacy of practical knowledge over the pedigree of a college diploma.
In Cameroon, initiatives like Galactics bloomed, providing comprehensive training to both degree holders and non-degree individuals in the practical facets of software engineering. Their mission is clear: to sculpt individuals into formidable contenders for the ever-evolving job market, armed not just with degrees, but with the practical skills that would truly set them apart in the world of technology.